Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Belitung Tour 2D/1N


Day 1
Welcome to “Negeri Laskar Pelangi”, the land of the Rainbow Warriors. On arriving at the airport HAS Hananjoeddin you will be met by one of our guides and taken to your hotel so you can freshen up and be ready to start our first trip which is into the centre of the capital of Tanjungpandan, to enjoy a snack of Belitung noodles, and then continue our journey towards the north coast of Belitung and the beach of Tanjung Kelayang. There you will see the beautiful beaches of white sand with views across the sea towards the islands and the group of huge granite boulders with a variety of natural shapes and sizes. Waiting for us, will be a boat ready to continue our journey out to wander among the small islands. Pulau Kelayang (Swallow Island), the island of the stone Belayar, Pulau Babi (Pig Island) , Pulau Lengkuas (Ginger Island) and, last but not least, Pulau Burung, Bird Island When we get to the island of Lengkuas, we will stop and go ashore. Here you can swim and, if so desired, go snorkelling under the professional guidance of one of our team, look for the various kinds of shellfish that are common around these islands or rest awhile on the beach to enjoy the sunshine. This island is the home of a Dutch lighthouse built in 1882, for the fitter members of the group they can climb to the top and admire the magnificent view. Lunch will be served on the island with a traditional Belitung seafood menu. Later in the afternoon the trip will continue by returning to the hotel to allow you to relax and wander around the town.

Day 2
* Dependant upon which hotel you are staying in the itinerary is different. *
Tanjungpandan Hotel
After breakfast you will checkout from the hotel and we will then proceed towards the northern coastal area of Tanjung Tinggi and its beautiful white sand beaches, clear water and spectacular Granite rock formations. After a short stay we will continue our journey on to Bukit Berahu ( Berahu Hill ), here there are several facilities available such as restaurant, swimming pool, and several cottages & bungalows. From here, which is on a headland, you have a fine view out towards the South China sea and along the coast, a good place to take some photographs. We will then return to Tanjungpandan for lunch and some last minute shopping for mementos of your visit to Belitung before proceeding to the airport and your return to Jakarta.
Lor In Hotel
After breakfast you will checkout from the hotel and we will then go to Kelapa Kampit, in the district of East Belitung. This was originally a tin mining town. Here we will stay for a short time for you to explore and maybe take some pictures or check out the local stores. Next we visit the Buddist Temple of Dewi Kwan Im. Then on to Manggar City, known as the city of a thousand coffee stalls. Not far from the city centre is Bukit Samak (Samak Hill). From this location there is a wonderful coastal view which can be enjoyed whilst having lunch. We will then return to Tanjungpandan for some last minute shopping for mementos of your visit to Belitung before proceeding to the airport and your return to Jakarta. 

Price Start : Rp 1.089.000/pax 

- Tour price does not include plane ticket
- Tour price are tailored to the size of the group
- Tour schedule can be seen above and will be emailed to you on receipt of your enquiry.
- Confirmations of your trip is required at least 2 weeks before tour.
- Payment of 50% of the tour cost is required at least 1 week before commencement

For more information: please call :021-7344 0788 or

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